Episode 18 – Crop Sensors for Nitrogen Management

We caught up with Dr. Joe Luck from the University of Nebraska as he was visiting Ohio for Precision University. He talks about Project SENSE in-which his team worked with farmers around Nebraska evaluating crop canopy sensors for in-season nitrogen management. He explains different vegetative indices used, how applications are made in real-time and the economics of the equipment.

You can view is Precision University presentation at digitalag.osu.edu/precision-ag/research-focuses/precision-crop-management and visit the Project SENSE webpage here: cropwatch.unl.edu/projectsense.

Episode 17 – 2018 eFields Release

The 2018 eFields Research Report was release today and includes 95 on-farm trials from around the state. Amanda and Elizabeth talk about the new additions to the report this year and interview Chris Zoller, Extension Educator in Tuscarawas County, Eric Richer, Extension Educator in Fulton County and Scott Conrad with Conrad Farms in Fulton County. They share why they participated in on-farm trials and what interesting results were uncovered.

The report can be found at http://go.osu.edu/efields. You can register for the regional meetings at his link as well. The economic calculator is linked at http://go.osu.edu/econcalculator.