Episode 33 – Manure tales

The Ohio State University Extension’s Field Specialist Glen Arnold and Extension Educator Sam Custer talk about the progress they have made from topdressing wheat in the spring with manure to sidedressing standing corn with a drag hose. Their goal is to expand the manure application window and apply nutrients to growing crops. There may be some entertaining stories shared at the end!

Follow their work on Facebook at facebook.com/OSUnutrients/ or in the CORN Newsletter.

Episode 32 – How Did We Get Here?

Dr. Aaron Wilson, research scientist with the OSU Byrd Polar and Climate Center, pulls together a summary of each season starting back to spring of 2018. We discuss weather patterns and records set through this time and how it all has led up to what farmers are experiencing during the growing season of 2019.

To review presentations from Climate Smart 2019, please visit u.osu.edu/climatesmart.