Episode 96 – Do you need sulfur?

Many farmers across Ohio are adding sulfur to their nutrient bill. Research results here in Ohio haven’t revealed a strong need but deficiency symptoms and yield bumps with application do occur on occasion. So how should you approach sulfur on your farm? Elizabeth and Amanda dive into the research and share some pointers to help farmers decide the best approach for each situation.

Additional Resources:
Research presentations: Go.osu.edu/PrecisionU
eFields Trials: go.osu.edu/eFields
Sulfur availability tool: Sam.asc.ohio-state.edu
Podcast episode 21 with Dr. Robert Mullen

Episode 95 – BMPs of Weed Control

Dr. Mark Loux updates us on herbicide availability before getting into some specific BMPs for our most difficult weeds: Marestail, Waterhemp, Giant and Common Ragweed and a few others that have made a stronghold in some fields.

The webinar on metabolic resistance, and many others, can be found here: https://iwilltakeaction.com/news/inside-weed-management-webinar-series

The weed control guide and other resources can be found at: https://u.osu.edu/osuweeds/