Episode 110 – Farm Management Field Specialists

We are excited to have 3 new positions working as Field Specialists in Farm Management under the Farm Financial Management and Policy Institute recently created at The Ohio State University. Bruce Clevenger, David Marrison and Eric Richer all transferred from county educator positions into a role that will greatly improve OSU Extension’s ability to serve farmers in areas such as record keeping, budgeting and human resources. Listen in to learn more about their plans to serve you.

To learn more about their work, visit farmoffice.osu.edu.

Episode 109 – Soil Sampling in Dry Weather

Many farmers chose to soil sample to save on inputs, increase yields and reduce environmental impacts. Given the unusually dry weather this fall, some are wondering what impact this may have on soil test results. Greg Labarge, Field Specialist in Agronomic Systems, shares what impact dry weather has on our sample results. He provides tips to ensure we pull representative samples and avoid skewing results.

Greg can be reached at labarge.1@osu.edu. Find more nutrient management information at https://agcrops.osu.edu/FertilityResources.