Episode 114 – Battle for the Belt

Our corn and soybean agronomy specialists at Ohio State are facing off in the field to determine which crop should be planted first. Dr. Osler Ortez and Dr. Laura Lindsey will battle it out over the next couple years planting corn and soybeans early, mid and late season to determine which crop should be a priority on which planting dates. Listen in to learn more about this project. You can also read the article in the CORN newsletter.

We also discuss early planting of soybeans with a cover crop and tips for getting corn off to a good start.

You can follow the on Twitter at @OrtezCornCrops and @StepUpSoy.

Episode 113 – 2022 eFields Report

The 2022 eFields On-Farm Research Report was released earlier this year. In this episode we share advice on how to conduct research on your farm and dive into some of the research results from the 2022 growing season. John Barker, Knox County, and James Morris, Highland County, join us to share results.

To view the eFields Reports, visit: go.osu.edu/efields. To sort through all report years by topic, location or crop, visit: kx.osu.edu/efields. Reach out to your local Extension office: extension.osu.edu/lao#county or email digitalag@osu.edu to get involved!

Episode 112 – Weather Outlook Spring 2023

After a bit of a break, we’re back as Dr. Aaron Wilson joins us for our quarterly weather update. We look back on the warmer winter and what that means for agriculture. We also discuss what spring weather patterns look like and how that may affect planting.

Catch the last of the Climate & … Webinar series here: agcrops.osu.edu/events/climate-webinar-series. View past webinars at www.youtube.com/@OSUAgronomicCrops. Sign up to receive quarterly updates from the State Climate Office: climate.osu.edu/.