Episode 118 – Farm Insurance Policies – “I think I’m covered if that happens”

We have an exciting announcement today! Listen in to find out what it is.

Farms are subject to more risks than ever before. Liability exposure of driving equipment on roadways or the potential of property loss due to a barn roof collapse, every farm has multiple sources of risk.  Robert Moore joins Bruce and Josh to review the basics of farm insurance policies.  Robert’s insight guides listeners to ask better questions to their insurance agent to customize the right policy for the farm.

Episode 117 – Drought Begets Drought

We would rather not have this title for our summer weather outlook but, of all the advances we’ve made in agriculture, controlling the weather is not one of them. Dr. Aaron Wilson joins us to look at what happened this past spring as we moved away from a La Nina. He also provides an outlook for this summer’s growing conditions.

The state climate office would love to hear from folks on what impacts you are seeing. This will help them monitor these rapidly changing conditions. They highly encourage farmers to submit observations to the NOAA and National Drought Centers’ CMOR Tool: https://go.osu.edu/drought_cmor.

Continue to view information at climate.osu.edu, include signing up for the monthly and quarterly climate summaries.