Episode 139 – Agritourism

Rob Leeds and Kate Hornyak join Bruce and Josh to discuss agritourism. Both Rob and Kate work for The Ohio State University Extension and are involved with their own family agritourism operations. In this podcast, they share the ins-and-out of the industry and their real-life experiences on how to be a successful agritourism business.

Click the links below to check out Rob and Kate’s family operations!

Rob – https://www.leedsfarm.com/

Kate – https://www.hornyakfarms.com/

Episode 138 – Planting Green

We caught up with Drs. Alyssa Essman and Dan Quinn at Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference to pick their brains about planting corn and soybeans into green cover crops. They share information on how to ensure good seed furrow conditions at planting and how to manage the cover crop at different stages. We also discuss herbicide strategies and advantages when planting green.