Episode 136 – Weather Outlook Spring 2024

Dr. Aaron Wilson joins us for our quarterly weather update. We look back on yet another warm winter and what that means for agriculture. We also discuss what spring weather patterns look like and how that may affect planting.

Sign up to receive quarterly updates from the State Climate Office: climate.osu.edu/. Check out CoCoRaHS.org to learn more about becoming a reporter!

Episode 134 – Winter Wheat Tips

Temperature ups and downs over the winter have us wondering what impact it will have on potential wheat yield. Dr. Laura Lindsey, Soybean and Small Grains Specialist, walks us through getting wheat off to a good start, evaluating it in the spring and how much correlation that has with yield. She also shares the latest research and technology developments to look for in the future.

For advice into the growing season, subscribe to the C.O.R.N newsletter.

Episode 132 – 2023 eFields

Our topic for this podcast is on-farm research and the 2023 eFields report. The eFields program is OSU Extension’s on-farm research network. Ohio farmers are encouraged to learn with us by partnering to conduct trials and share data through the annual report. Elizabeth give us a summary of the 2023 report and we talk with Wayne Dellinger and Nick Eckel, county Extension Educators and fellow contributors, about projects they have conducted over the years. 

You can view the 2023 report, along with previous years, at efields.osu.edu. The Knowledge Exchange provides unique ways to sort through all eFields research projects: kx.osu.edu/efields.

Episode 129 – Farming the first Thanksgiving

With this episode releasing right before Thanksgiving, we wanted to celebrate by diving into how the food eaten during the first thanksgiving over 400 years ago came to be. While farming was simpler in a lot of ways, it is intriguing to consider what the pilgrims were up against trying to survive in a new land and how the Native Americans had adapted to raise and protect crops without today’s modern technology. This is a fun one to put on in the car with whole family as you head to Grandma’s house. Happy Thanksgiving!

Further Reading:
Soils: https://soilsmatter.wordpress.com/2016/11/15/what-type-of-farming-challenges-did-the-pilgrims-face/

Livestock domestication: https://www.jstor.org/stable/3491550?seq=7 

First foods: https://modernfarmer.com/2016/11/foods-at-first-thanksgiving-meal/

Episode 128 – What’s in Your Farmland Lease? 

All across Ohio, farmland is leased for crop production, livestock grazing, hunting, etc.  Is your lease in writing? If not, it’s likely not enforceable.  Peggy Hall, J.D., Director of The Ohio State University Extension Ag Law Program shares elements of a farmland lease that keep it simple and functional.  How is hunting permission and hunting leasing different?  Does the landowner have protection if something bad happens?  Did you know agricultural easements can be an option to reach farmland preservation and farm transition goals?  Peggy explains how.

Episode 127 – Corn Drydown In-field

Many areas are struggling with higher corn moisture levels than normal at harvest. While it may be tempting to leave corn standing to gain more natural drying, Elizabeth and Amanda will share why that is a high risk, low return venture.

Check out the U2U GDD Tool and make use of it next year: https://mygeohub.org/groups/u2u/purdue_gdd.

For more information, here’s a list of our past podcasts on grain storage: https://podcast.osu.edu/agronomy/?s=storage

Episode 126 – Grain Market Situation During Fall Harvest 2023

Old Crop and New Crop markets always meet at the next harvest.  Being three weeks into Ohio’s Fall harvest, what’s the market situation?  Dr. Lee updates us on supply/demand, bullish/bearish market expectations, Mississippi River water levels and barge rates, war in Ukraine, and current situation in Israel.  Four strategies for farm financial viability for lower farm income marketing year.

Episode 125 – 2023 Harvest Weather Outlook

The weather this past summer took the old adage “Don’t like the weather in Ohio, just wait” to a whole new level. The mild temperatures were certainly enjoyable but did not help progress crop development. We reflect on how the summer weather played out and take a look at what farmers can expect over the next few months as harvest begins.

Dr. Aaron Wilson joins us once again to provide his insight and expertise. To report weather in your area, visit: go.osu.edu/drought_cmor. Learn more at climate.osu.edu.

Episode 124 – Farm Science Review 2023

The 2023 Farm Science Review runs September 19-21 and your hosts have broken down all the opportunities you have to engage with OSU Extension on agronomy and farm management topics. Whether it is walking through the plots, listening in on an expert talk or watching new equipment run in the demos, there is a wealth of information to be found this year.

To purchase tickets, check out the program or find vendors, visit fsr.osu.edu.

Episode 123 – Tar Spot

If you grow or scout corn in Ohio, you have probably heard rumblings of a new disease called Tar Spot. Pictures from neighboring states to the north and west show bleak images of entire corn fields dead before their time. While researchers are still assessing the threat potential for tar spot in Ohio, it has made appearances across the state and has many farmers quite concerned. To tell us more about this new disease, Dr. Stephanie Karhoff joins us to share what she has seen and learned in her time in NW Ohio.

Stay up-to-date on the latest in agronomic issues by subscribing to the C.O.R.N. Newsletter.