Episode 101 – Tar Spot and Other Corn Diseases

Tar spot has been found in Western Indiana. After an unprecedented outbreak in NW Ohio last year, many farmers are wondering what to expect this year, and what can be done to protect their crop. Dr. Pierce Paul, Plant Pathologist for Corn and Small Grains at OSU, shares what we know about tar spot and recommendations for control.

We also discuss the more common diseases Gray Leaf Spot and Northern Corn Leaf Blight. Listen in for suggestions on keeping corn clean this season.

For updates on corn and wheat disease management, subscribe to the C.O.R.N. Newsletter.

Episode 96 – Do you need sulfur?

Many farmers across Ohio are adding sulfur to their nutrient bill. Research results here in Ohio haven’t revealed a strong need but deficiency symptoms and yield bumps with application do occur on occasion. So how should you approach sulfur on your farm? Elizabeth and Amanda dive into the research and share some pointers to help farmers decide the best approach for each situation.

Additional Resources:
Research presentations: Go.osu.edu/PrecisionU
eFields Trials: go.osu.edu/eFields
Sulfur availability tool: Sam.asc.ohio-state.edu
Podcast episode 21 with Dr. Robert Mullen

Episode 94 – Meet Osler!

Dr. Osler Ortez joined Extension in January as the new state specialist in corn and emerging crops. He is replacing Peter Thomison who retired. Learn about Osler’s background and what crop his family grows back home. He has a lot of great ideas for on-farm research and is eager to work with growers across the state. You can reach him in the following ways:

Department website: https://hcs.osu.edu/our-people/osler-ortez

Email: ortez.5@osu.edu 

Phone: (330) 263-9725

Office: 214 Williams Hall, Wooster, Ohio 

Twitter: @oortez94

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/osler-ortez-900442129/ 

Episode 90 – Planning for the Future of Your Farm [Part 1]

Regardless of the size of your farm or the age of operators, we never know when the unexpected may occur. To ensure a farm lasts beyond the current generation, it is crucial that plans be laid. Because of the importance of this issue, we are dedicating three episodes to provide information on different pieces of a succession plan. For part 1, David Marrison, OSU Extension Educator in Coshocton County, joins us to discuss the different parts of a succession plan and how a farm can take the first steps in getting started. We are only able to touch briefly on these topics, so if you’d like to learn more from our guests, join one of the webinar or in-person sessions this winter. Find dates and locations at go.osu.edu/farmsuccession. This website also houses useful tools mentioned in the podcast.

Episode 86 – Meet Horacio!

Dr. Horacio Lopez-Nicora joined Extension last August as the new State Soybean Pathologist. He is replacing Dr. Anne Dorrance who is now the Associate Dean and Director of the Wooster campus. Listen in to learn about Horacio’s background in soybean pathology and where his research interests lie. Be on the lookout for him at winter meetings and reach out if you have questions or research ideas.

You can reach him at Lopez-Nicora.1@osu.edu or 614-688-0528.

As always, let us know what you think about the podcast and suggest episode topics at http://go.osu.edu/afmsurvey.

Episode 85 – Rising Input Costs

If you have almost fainted after hearing the price of certain fertilizers for next spring, you are not alone. Drastic increases in fertilizer and input costs are yet another outcome of the pandemic. Labor and transportation, among other factors, have driven prices up and left farmers wondering if they can afford to plant next spring. As the leader of the Production Business Management program for OSU Extension, Barry Ward closely tracks these prices and what drives them. He joins us to discuss the outlook for input costs and strategies farmers might consider in dealing with them.

Let us know what you think about the podcast and suggest episode topics at http://go.osu.edu/afmsurvey.