Episode 138 – Planting Green

We caught up with Drs. Alyssa Essman and Dan Quinn at Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference to pick their brains about planting corn and soybeans into green cover crops. They share information on how to ensure good seed furrow conditions at planting and how to manage the cover crop at different stages. We also discuss herbicide strategies and advantages when planting green.

Episode 116 – Planting Green Impacts on Weed Management

Cover crops impact cropping systems in more ways than improving soil structure. Dr. Alyssa Essman, soon to be Assistant Professor with Horticulture and Crop Sciences specializing in weed science, continues to expand research on cover crops as they pertain to weed management.

She discusses results from a recent project that looked at termination timing of cereal rye combined with different herbicide programs. Essman also shares with us her plans for the future as she takes on a research and extension role within OSU.

Take Action Cover Crop Fact Sheets
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