Episode 89 – How to approach glyphosate shortages

If you are facing glyphosate shortages or looking to reduce use due to increased costs, Dr. Mark Loux, OSU Weed Specialist, offers advice on how to target applications to the areas of the most need. We talk about the specific weeds where glyphosate has the most activity and what substitutes are available. More resources can be found in the C.O.R.N. newsletter or the OSU Weed Management site. The weed control guide can be purchased on the OSU Extension Publications site in pdf or print form.

Episode 86 – Meet Horacio!

Dr. Horacio Lopez-Nicora joined Extension last August as the new State Soybean Pathologist. He is replacing Dr. Anne Dorrance who is now the Associate Dean and Director of the Wooster campus. Listen in to learn about Horacio’s background in soybean pathology and where his research interests lie. Be on the lookout for him at winter meetings and reach out if you have questions or research ideas.

You can reach him at Lopez-Nicora.1@osu.edu or 614-688-0528.

As always, let us know what you think about the podcast and suggest episode topics at http://go.osu.edu/afmsurvey.

Episode 85 – Rising Input Costs

If you have almost fainted after hearing the price of certain fertilizers for next spring, you are not alone. Drastic increases in fertilizer and input costs are yet another outcome of the pandemic. Labor and transportation, among other factors, have driven prices up and left farmers wondering if they can afford to plant next spring. As the leader of the Production Business Management program for OSU Extension, Barry Ward closely tracks these prices and what drives them. He joins us to discuss the outlook for input costs and strategies farmers might consider in dealing with them.

Let us know what you think about the podcast and suggest episode topics at http://go.osu.edu/afmsurvey.