Episode 152 – Fall Weather Outlook

Dr. Aaron Wilson joins us for a look back at the growing season and a look forward into what we can expect. Reflecting on all the weather we’ve experienced this year so far really brings home how crazy this season has been. Ohio is still suffering from drought. Aaron attempts to answer the question of when we might see relief.

For drought resources, visit: go.osu.edu/Ohio_drought. Sign up to receive monthly and quarterly updates from the State Climate Office: climate.osu.edu. Check out mrcc.purdue.edu/ to find useful tools such as the GDD calculator and freeze predictor. You can also reach out to Aaron at wilson.1010@osu.edu.

Episode 142 – Summer ’24 Weather Outlook

Dr. Aaron Wilson joins us for our summer weather update. We look back on a spring that was quite opposite of last year and what we can expect this summer. We also answer listener questions on a variety of weather topics!

Sign up to receive quarterly updates from the State Climate Office: climate.osu.edu. Check out mrcc.purdue.edu/ to find useful tools such as the GDD calculator and freeze predictor. You can also reach out to Aaron at wilson.1010@osu.edu.

Episode 136 – Weather Outlook Spring 2024

Dr. Aaron Wilson joins us for our quarterly weather update. We look back on yet another warm winter and what that means for agriculture. We also discuss what spring weather patterns look like and how that may affect planting.

Sign up to receive quarterly updates from the State Climate Office: climate.osu.edu/. Check out CoCoRaHS.org to learn more about becoming a reporter!

Episode 125 – 2023 Harvest Weather Outlook

The weather this past summer took the old adage “Don’t like the weather in Ohio, just wait” to a whole new level. The mild temperatures were certainly enjoyable but did not help progress crop development. We reflect on how the summer weather played out and take a look at what farmers can expect over the next few months as harvest begins.

Dr. Aaron Wilson joins us once again to provide his insight and expertise. To report weather in your area, visit: go.osu.edu/drought_cmor. Learn more at climate.osu.edu.

Episode 117 – Drought Begets Drought

We would rather not have this title for our summer weather outlook but, of all the advances we’ve made in agriculture, controlling the weather is not one of them. Dr. Aaron Wilson joins us to look at what happened this past spring as we moved away from a La Nina. He also provides an outlook for this summer’s growing conditions.

The state climate office would love to hear from folks on what impacts you are seeing. This will help them monitor these rapidly changing conditions. They highly encourage farmers to submit observations to the NOAA and National Drought Centers’ CMOR Tool: https://go.osu.edu/drought_cmor.

Continue to view information at climate.osu.edu, include signing up for the monthly and quarterly climate summaries.

Episode 112 – Weather Outlook Spring 2023

After a bit of a break, we’re back as Dr. Aaron Wilson joins us for our quarterly weather update. We look back on the warmer winter and what that means for agriculture. We also discuss what spring weather patterns look like and how that may affect planting.

Catch the last of the Climate & … Webinar series here: agcrops.osu.edu/events/climate-webinar-series. View past webinars at www.youtube.com/@OSUAgronomicCrops. Sign up to receive quarterly updates from the State Climate Office: climate.osu.edu/.

Episode 111 – Weather Outlook Winter 22-23

Dr. Aaron Wilson joins us for our quarterly weather update. We look back on the interesting fall, discuss the upcoming winter storm arriving just in time for Christmas and take a pretty wild guess at what planting season may look like for 2023.

Catch the Climate & … Webinar series here: https://agcrops.osu.edu/events/climate-webinar-series.

Episode 107 – 2022 Fall Weather Update

Hopefully harvest is well underway and crops are drying down but we know that is not the case everywhere. This fall has presented a unique situation with dry but cool weather. What does that mean for the rest of harvest and into winter? Dr. Aaron Wilson, Extension Field Specialist in Ag Weather and Climate, joins us for our quarterly weather update.

Hey listeners! We want to hit topics that are important to you. As we plan out our winter topics, submit suggestions to http://go.osu.edu/afmsurvey or social media @AFMPodcast.

Episode 98 – 2022 Growing Season Weather Outlook

We are a couple of months closer to the grain making part of the growing season than when we heard from Dr. Aaron Wilson last (Episode 93). He provides an update on what weather we are likely to expect this growing season. The west is still facing down a historic drought. What does that mean for us here in the Eastern Corn Belt?

Visit climate.osu.edu throughout the year for weather updates, stats and other weather resources for Ohioans. The U.S. Drought Monitor can be found at: https://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/.

Episode 93 – 2022 Spring Weather Outlook

It’s that time of year again. Dr. Aaron Wilson, Research Scientist with the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center, joins us to talk current weather conditions and reveal what forecasts are saying for this spring. We discuss how the fall and winter weather stack up historically and just how much the spring weather is resembling 2019.

Let us know what you think about the podcast and suggest episode topics at go.osu.edu/afmsurvey