Diving in the Deep End: Family-school partnerships to address student mental health  

In this debut episode of Family-to-Family, we hear from three families as they share their experiences recognizing and responding to their child’s mental health needs in partnership with their school. Amy Welly, Michelle Tuite, and Christina Chalmers all care for school-age children in Ohio and provide unique perspectives on identifying mental health concerns in the children they care for and how they engaged with their child’s schools to address them head-on. We will also hear from Patrick Cunningham, Graduate Research Associate at the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center as he provides the perspective of a school counselor on this much-requested topic.

For more information and resources on the topics discussed in today’s show, please visit ohiofamiliesengage.osu.edu/podcast. Connect with us on Twitter: @OhioEngage, @ThomasCapretta, and @Fara_Allen. Like us on Facebook at Facebook.com/OhioSFEC. For other inquiries and feedback, please reach us at OhioSFEC@osu.edu.

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