Prof. Ola Ahlqvist Tells Us How to See the Forest For the Trees

Professor of Geography, Associate Vice Provost for Academic Enrichment, and Executive Director of the Honors and Scholars Center, Ola Ahlqvist studies cartography, land cover change, geographic information, and online maps. He also looks at the impact that the definition of terms has on research, such as what defines a forest.

Jim Phelan Describes the Power of Narrative

Distinguished University Professor and Arts and Humanities Distinguished Professor in the Department of English, Jim Phelan, also serves as Director of Medical Humanities and Director of Project Narrative. He joins David Staley to define narrative theory, identify the many audiences built into narratives, and discuss how “narrative competence enhances medical competence.”

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (Matter) Says Annika Peter

Annika Peter, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, works at the interface of particle physics and astronomy to discover the secrets of dark matter. She shares her research on galaxies, particles, and constellations.

Laughter and Disruption From Women Comedians with Prof. Linda Mizejewski

Linda Mizejewski, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, researches comedy and women comedians as well as women detectives in popular culture. She joins David Staley to discuss her research and suggests some great classic movies to watch.