Associate Professor of Design Rebekah Matheney studies interior design, sustainable design, retail experience design, curricular economy, and higher education design. Her recent work has examined slow retail, how retail design can impact all areas of sustainability by slowing down its pace, similar to slow food and slow fashion.
Department of Design
Scott Swearingen: It’s More Than Gunning Down Zombies
Scott Swearingen, Assistant Professor in the Department of Design, studies game design, collaborative gaming, and animation, and worked as a game designer on award-winning games and franchises, including Medal of Honor, The Simpsons, and The Sims. He talks with David Staley about how games define our culture and why he values face-to-face interactions that games can engage.
Susan Melsop Describes How to Turn a Bridge Into a Community Resource Center
When São Paulo, Brazil, gifted an empty 12,000 square foot building to the city’s homeless, a world of opportunities and needs was created. Susan Melsop, an Associate Professor in the Ohio State Department of Design, had recently received the Ronald and Deborah Ratner Distinguished Teaching Award, which gave her the opportunity to create a social impact design project abroad. Over the course of several months, she developed academic and NGO partnerships in Brazil and formed a design class to illustrate how design can be an agent for change and social justice.