Allison Bean On How New Communication Systems Impact People with Autism

Allison Bean, Associate Professor in Speech and Hearing Science, researches language development in individuals with autism spectrum disorders. She’s especially interested in how people use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems in place of spoken language.

Making the Inner Ear Cool: Eric Bielefeld

Eric Bielefeld, Professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science, studies auditory physiology, especially inner ear pathology. His most recent work involves modeling how exposure to HIV medications during pregnancy influences the development of auditory systems and the impact of cooling the inner ear on chemotherapy efficacy.

Jennifer Brello on Helping Patients Learn to Speak Again

Jennifer Brello, Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science, serves as the Director of the Ohio State University Aphasia Initiative, a free program for people living with loss of communication ability due to brain injury. Aphasia can make mundane tasks like ordering a cup of coffee very challenging, and Brello describes to host David Staley the benefits of therapy at the institute on this week’s episode of Voices of Excellence.

Hearing Loss Can Slow Learning to Read, Says Prof. Gail Whitelaw

Gail Whitelaw, Clinical Associate Professor of Audiology in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science, joins David Staley on Voices of Excellence to discuss audiology, the importance of early hearing loss detection, and the impact of hearing loss on learning to read. 

The Case of the Murderer Caught by Speech Scientist Robert Fox

In addition to his many publications and academic achievements, Professor and Chair of the Department of Speech and Hearing Science Robert Fox consults about forensic phonetics, including a 2003 murder trial that was resolved with his expertise and audiology technology.