Professor of physics Ezekiel Johnston-Halperin studies quantum information science and engineering (QISE), a combination of quantum mechanics and information technology, and its applicability in computing, networking, and sensing. He describes the foundational concepts of quantum mechanics, magnetism, and the physical properties of materials to host David Staley. Halperin explains how classical electromagnetism cannot fully account for the behavior of magnetic materials, emphasizing the necessity of quantum mechanics. Halperin also describes his innovative research on quantum sensors and nanomaterials and a new technique his lab developed to integrate molecular systems with solid-state devices for quantum sensing applications.
How a Highly Advanced Microscope is Like a Record Player, Jay Gupta
Jay Gupta, Professor of Physics, explores the properties of novel materials at the atomic scale to address problems in energy conversion and advanced computing. Via scanning tunneling microscopy, his group examine items that are a billionth of a meter. For more of his discussion of nanomaterials, semiconductors and how to spell your name in atoms, listen to this week’s Voices of Excellence.